Tag: corporate law

Corporate Terminology

You may have already noticed that when talking about business many terms like enterprise, business and company are often been used as synonyms. But are those really all the same terms? What shall you unterstand by each of those individual terms? Which legal differences shall you be informed about? If you are talking about  an…
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27. March 2023 0

Corporate Law in Germany – History Check 

Corporate Law in Germany – History Check When the business law degree program was introduced at some universities of applied sciences in Germany in 1993, it was a novelty. Until then, there had been no explicit linking of economics content with legal issues. While students of classical law degree programmes complete a legal preparatory service…
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12. April 2022 0

Starting a business in Germany and Europe

The choice of a certain path to self-employment depends on various factors: Do you have a good business idea that you want to realize? Do you have the opportunity to continue running a functioning company? Do you want to limit your entrepreneurial risks? Do you have the chance to start as part of a good…
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8. March 2022 0

Restitution Claim: can I introduce a new cause of action

No introduction of a new cause of action with the restitution claim BGH v. 3.8.2021 – II ZR 283/19 It is inadmissible to introduce a new cause of action with the restitution claim. The assertion of a claim of the company against a corporate debtor as a third party by a shareholder is based on…
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7. September 2021 0